Title: The Captain's Lady
Author: Louise M. Gouge
ISBN: 978-0-373-828326
From the back cover:
Captain James Templeton's orders from General Washington are clear. His target: Lord Bennington, a member of George III's Privy Council. The assignment: find Bennington's war plans. The risks: the future of the East Florida Colony, Jamie's life... and his heart. In spite of the dangers of their hopeless situation, he's fallen in love with Lady Marianne Moberly, Lord Bennington's daughter.
Desperate to protect his country, Jamie carries out his orders with a heavy heart. But Marianne's persistence is a challenge he never expected. With love and faith, they must navigate troubled waters to win their future together.
My take:
You all know how much I love regencies. Look at this cover, can't you just imagine it in any Austen movie?
I finished it and ran to the computer to tell you all how much I loved this book! Everything you could ask for in a historical romance is bound up in this one story. A forbidden romance, gripping characters, an interesting story, action and adventure... Maybe they should make it into a movie. :o)
You have your hero ~ Captain James Templeton. He's brave, noble, willing to sacrifice his own desires for a greater cause. He has men who respect him, a sense of humor, honor, is handsome and gives in to his heart just enough that we get a few of those touching moments where stolen kisses show his weakness for our leading lady.
Then there is the lady herself ~ Miss Marianne Moberly. She's pretty, intelligent, and though she operates within the bounds of society ~ she's feisty enough that you know she breaks those rules when she deems it necessary. She also has an extremely strong sense of justice, love for children, does charity work, but is strong willed. This is no fainting wall flower or airhead. Her quick thinking saves the lives of many people.
The author also did a magnificent job with her brother Robert, the lush who reforms after accepting Christ. He becomes a good friend of Jamie's and is encouraged to by him to find a good occupation and then marry the woman he wants, Grace ~ whether or not his father approves.
Then there is Marianne's father, Lord Bennington, who never seemed to be able to approve of any of his sons no matter what they accomplished. His severe manner kept everyone in the household on edge except his wife and Jamie. He reminded me a bit of a bear that had been wakened before his hibernation cycle was finished.
Many times what God asks us to do is difficult and scary. The author really helps us feel the anguish Jamie goes through as he struggles with whether he is doing the right thing or not. He feels real affection for Marianne's family and doesn't like being deceptive. He also believes 100 percent in the cause of the American colonies.
I could see him in my mind, and Marianne next to him trying to convince him to ask her father for her hand in marriage. He knows her father would never approve, and he doesn't know whether she would last without her fine house and servants, or what she would think of his "rebellious" beliefs. Their struggle was one I imagine could very well have happened in our history. It did happen on these pages quite convincingly.
I hope you'll put The Captain's Lady on your wishlist.
I was sent a copy by the author for review. Although I am thankful, it didn't influence my review at all.
Wonderful review, Lee!
ReplyDeleteSince I enjoyed The Silent Governess so much, it looks like I'm going to have to start adding a few regencies to my wish list. *gasp*
Thanks Lori. lol You know, a really good story that is well written tends to cross over genre - at least most of the time. Especially if you already like most aspects of it. Like you like historical romances ~ you just aren't always fond of regencies. I think the really good ones will still grab you.
ReplyDeleteAwesome review, Lee!! This sounds so good!! I'll have to add it to my list, I love a good historical romance :)
ReplyDeleteHi Lee! This is one that I don't have that I've been wanting for a while! I'm afraid that I have been neglecting my LIH TBR pile! :-(
ReplyDeleteI have an award for you here!
XOXO~ Renee
Heather ~ You know I love a good Historical romance too. They are my favorite go to escape. :o)
ReplyDeleteRenee ~ You don't have it? I'm amazed! Usually our books are mirror images of each other. lol I think you'd enjoy this one, though. I'll check out the award, thanks for thinking of me. :o)