Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Monday Musings

What happened in Japan last week reinforced many of the lessons driven home by 9-11. Things I think we had started taking for granted a little bit. What matters most? What is vitally important to me?

It also reinforced how very interconnected we all are. What happened (and is happening) in Japan isn't isolated to just their country. Not only did huge waves literally hit the shores of the United States and other countries, but because of their role in the world economy, the shock waves from this event will be felt for quite some time.

I look around at the many wars and natural disasters in the world and it can be very scary. It is also wonderful to see how people stand back up, brush themselves off, gather their loved ones around them and work at rebuilding. Sometimes our greatest strength is only seen when we face adversity.

My nephew and his wife live in Japan. He used to be in the Army. They are alive and well. Other families weren't as lucky as mine. As they rebuild, I'm thankful for my family, friends, faith - and so many other blessings. May I never take them for granted. 


  1. How fortunate your family is okay. Life can change in a heartbeat. We must prepare early and stay steady in our faith so we can weather any storm of live that comes our way.
    (P.S. I'm following now under Georgia Girls. Used to be Kim at the Queen Bee book blog. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your new journey!)

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